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Silkstone BFMC

  1. Lingerie #5 AA BFMC Barbie

    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2002

    Lingerie #5  AA BFMC Barbie

    $135.00 CND


    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2002

    Stock photo. Box is excellent. NRFB

  2. Capucine Barbie BFMC

    Capucine Barbie BFMC

    $300.00 CND


    Good Box   NRFB

    Stock photo

  3. Waitress Barbie Silkstone

    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2006

    Waitress Barbie Silkstone

    $225.00 CND


    Stock Photo. Excellent Box. NRFB

    Originally sold only in the US.

  4. Boater Ensemble BFMC Barbie

    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2012

    Boater Ensemble BFMC Barbie

    $375.00 CND


    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2012
    Stock Photo.

    Box is in shipper

  5. Best to A Tea Silkstone

    Best to A Tea Silkstone

    $135.00 CND


    Stock Photo

    Doll wrapped in original tissue.

  6. Ken 60th Anniversary Silkstone

    Ken 60th Anniversary Silkstone

    $85.00 CND


    Stock Photo.  Ken is still in unopened shipper

  7. Ball Gown Silkstone AA

    Ball Gown Silkstone AA

    $275.00 CND


    Stock Photo.  Box is excellent

  8. Elegant Rose Cocktail Silkstone

    Elegant Rose Cocktail Silkstone

    $265.00 CND


    Stock Photo

    Doll is still wrapped in factory tissue

  9. Check Please! Francie Doll Silkstone

    Check Please! Francie Doll Silkstone

    $325.00 CND


    Box is still wrapped in factory tissue

    Stock Photo

  10. Muffy Roberts BFMC Barbie

    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2005

    Muffy Roberts BFMC Barbie

    $235.00 CND


    Barbie Fashion Model Collection 2005
    Stock Photo.
    Box has some minor rubs from storage