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Lady Luck Barbie

Lady Luck Barbie

Lady Luck Barbie


Stock Photo. Great box

  • USD Price: $69.00
  • CND Price: $90.00
  • Sorry, product currently not available

Product Details

Lucky in love, lucky in talent, this beautiful singer plays all the best lounges along the Las Vegas Strip, packing them in with classic tunes. As alluring as any pin-up girl, this charmer draws inspiration from a hip era of big beehive hairdos and smoking songs that thrill and haunt.

Designer Anna Choi returns to the Pin-Up Girls™ Collection with a third alluring doll; Lady Luck™ Barbie® doll. Dressed in a golden skirt and matching halter-top, this glamorous chanteuse never sings the blues! Golden bracelet, shoes, and a white faux fur stole match the splendid style of classic Vegas! The final retro touch: a “microphone” perfect for any lounge singer! Designed by Anna Choi.

No more than 9,300 units produced worldwide.